Thursday, May 14, 2009
2. Vicki will be ordering sample shoes for sizes. We are supposed to try on and order on May 28th. The cost is $50. Make checks to CHEERS ELITE.
3. All shirt money is due next Thursday, May 21. Please give all money to Kim Carper. I will be at the gym between 6-8pm to collect forms and money. Remember that checks will only be accepted from Lakewood parents. All checks need to be written to CHEERS ELITE. I will make sure that your accounts are properly credited for your fundraising.
4. Anyone who would like to try on a warm-up may do so next Thursday, May 21. I will be sending them back to the company the following day.
5. Thank you to Ali Allbritten, Paige Kelly, and Madysen Bassett for bringing drinks. Thanks to Storm Wilson, Taylor Smith, Kailey Carper, Taylor Bensley, Gracie Youngblood, and Avery Bensley for the cookies.
6. Mandy Hannan (mini mom) has some very cute teal bows for sale. Her email address is mandyhannan@yahoo.com. If you are interested, let her know.
7. Jason Dollar, the choreographer for the juniors and seniors, will be here June 26, 27, and 28 to teach the routines. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!
8. Juniors - keep selling your open gym tickets. See Jim if you need more to sell!! Don't forget to buy one for yourself!
9. I have enjoyed meeting and chatting with everyone! It's going to be an awesome year!!!! Cheers Elite is the best!! We need to plan a social gathering for everyone really soon! Be thinking of something we could do!
Fundraising Idea
I registered through this site last season and made over $100 for
WARM-UP try-ons tonight
Don’t forget I will have the warm-ups at the gym tonight. Order forms are hanging on the Cheers Elite bulletin board. Ordering these is totally optional!! The cost is $62.00 and the money is not due until July 15th. Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Money Clarification
If you sell tickets to the open gym fundraiser, give that money to Vicki or put it in the black payment box. Put your name on the envelope and write that it is money for open gym.
All tshirt and warm-up money goes to Kim Carper. LeighAnn Bensley and I will see that your account is credited the correct amount for fundraising. Don’t forget that
More shirt info....
Also, don't forget that I will have warm-up sizers at the gym on Thursday. No money due now!!
Have a great Wednesday!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tshirt info
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! What a beautiful day it was!!